
Penetrating primer BAUCEM

Best used on all mineral surfaces before application of acrylic top coat paint.

10 in stock

SKU: penetrating-primer-baucem Category:

Quantity per carton

12 product

Мinimum quantity

100 product

Quantities per pallet

60 product

Delivery time

14 days



BAUCEM’s deep penetrating acrylate based primer is used to strengthen weak surfaces, reduces absorption, repels moisture and gives very good adhesion between old and new substrates.

Regarding areas of application, such weak surfaces can be: mineral substrates; old mortar plasters, concrete, plaster, etc. It is used before acrylic or silicone paints are applied.

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The primer is used for interior and exterior applications and has the following uses.

  • Resistance to water and smearing
  • Easy application;
  • Creates excellent adhesion even on smooth surfaces;
  • Resistant to rubbing and wet washing;
  • Great depth of penetration.

You can choose 1.5 kg; 5 kg; 12 kg; 25 kg package.

Two-coat application is recommended, with each successive coat perpendicular to the previous one.