
Expanded polystyrene BAUCEM EPS 50

The expanded polystyrene (EPS) can be used as an insulation in a range of building, commercial, and industrial applications.

10 in stock

SKU: expanded-polystyrene-baucem-eps-50 Categories: ,

Quantity per carton

12 product

Мinimum quantity

100 product

Quantities per pallet

60 product

Delivery time

14 days



Polystyrene is a thermally processable (thermoplastic), amorphous or partially crystalline, poorly transparent, polymeric material. It is not an electrical conductor. It is made from styrene monomer, a simpler liquid hydrocarbon derived from petroleum. Polystyrene is one of the most widely used plastics, with a (significant) worldwide consumption of billions of kilograms per year.

This product has a thickness of 50 mm

For more technical details consult the .pdf file in the option Characteristics.

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Thickness in mm Units in a box m² in a box m³ in a box
50 10 5 0,25
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is used as insulation in various construction and industrial applications, tailored to the specific requirements of the project. This particular product is utilized based on the required thickness and the specified technical characteristics.