
Thinner coresiline FARB

Dilution to working viscosity of nitrocellulose primers, nitrocellulose enamels, nitrocellulose colorless varnishes and other nitrocellulose-based products.

10 in stock

SKU: thinner-coresiline-farb Category:

Quantity per carton

12 product

Мinimum quantity

100 product

Quantities per pallet

60 product

Delivery time

14 days



Mixture of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons suitable for diluting alkyd oil and oleoresin-based paints and varnishes, fillers and primers based on alkyd resins.

Storagge, transport e document data:

The diluent must be stored in covered, dry and well-ventilated rooms, at a temperature between 0 and 20°C, without access to direct sunlight, in compliance with all fire safety requirements. It must   be   transported   by   any   type   of   vehicle,   taking    fire    and    safety    precautions.

The storage period is 24 months from the date of production.

Potential Risks

  • Diluents are fire hazards and toxicproducts.
  • Toxic by inhalation, skin contact andingestion.
  • The vapors have an irritating effect on the eyes and respiratory tract.
  • Production, analysis and application of diluents must comply with fire safety and occupational hygiene requirements
  • In case of skin contact due to diluents, it is necessary to wash with warm water andsoap.
  • Keep out of the reach ofchildren.

Anti-fire Protection:


Premises where production, analysis and use of diluents take place must be equipped with ventilation and fire-fighting systems.

  • Suitable extinguishing media: water mist, alkali resistant foam, dry chemical carbon dioxide extinguishers.


Reference to safety data sheet, if necessary

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Means of application /
Consumption/ coverage /
Dryinge/ ~ 20°C e 65% di H.R. ariale
Packaging Closed PET packaging with capacity 0.500l./0.700l./0.900l. *Other packages can be used by prior agreement with the customer.
Colour Colorless to light yellow
Diluente /
Numero di strati consigliati /
  Technical Requirements:  
Data Features and standard
Appearance Easily moveable transparent liquid without mechanical impurities.
Smell Specific
Volatility in ether, in seconds От 6 - 20
Dilution capacity 1:1 (alkyd varnish and diluent) Full
The package must be opned carefully. Thinner is added to the paint slowly, in a thin stream, stirring constantly. The amount of thinner added depends on the type of paint, the coating technique and the desired final