
Mineral wool Vata A+Therm BAUCEM Fatada ETICS 10 cm

This mineral wool from Baucem is designed in various configurations to be used for different applications in construction and industry.

10 in stock

SKU: mineral-wool-vata-a-+-therm-baucem-fatada-etics-10-cm Categories: ,

Quantity per carton

12 product

Мinimum quantity

100 product

Quantities per pallet

60 product

Delivery time

14 days



The mineral wool is for thermal insulation, 10 cm thick.

The thermal insulation of a building can be achieved by insulating the walls on the inside or outside. Insulation in integral systems (ETICS) where the basalt is mounted in a multi-layer system that also has the role of supporting the outer layers (the washboard and decorative plaster), which are applied directly to the insulation layer.

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Name Thickness   sq.m. in a Box cu.m. in a Box
Facade LIGHT 5 cm 4,32 0,216
Facade LIGHT 10 cm 2,88 0,288
Fatada Plus 10 cm 2,88 0,288
Fatada ETICS 5 cm 4,32 0,216
Fatada ETICS 10 cm 2,88 0,288
Fatada ETICS 15 cm 2,16 0,324
Roof Light  5 cm 4,32 0,216
Roof Light 10 cm 2,88 0,288
Roof Light 15 cm 2,16 0,324
Hard Roof 5 cm 4,32 0,216
Hard Roof 10 cm 2,16 0,216
Since mineral wool has various applications such as soundproofing and thermal insulation, and is used in both construction and various industries, the method of installation depends entirely on the specific object and project. In this sense, craftsmen and contractors are required to choose the most suitable product from Baucem's mineral wool series to install the material according to its applicability in the project.