
Fiberglass mesh BAUCEM

Fiberglass mesh 145 g/sqm and 165 g/sqm, is recommended for both indoor and outdoor use.

10 in stock

SKU: fiberglass-mesh-baucem Category:

Quantity per carton

12 product

Мinimum quantity

100 product

Quantities per pallet

60 product

Delivery time

14 days



The mesh could be use in exterior insulation and finishing systems; execution of exterior thermosystems; reinforcement of interior plasters; improvement of mechanical resistance.

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The process of installing the mesh can vary depending on the specific conditions and requirements of the project, so it is important to follow the guidelines of the mesh manufacturer and the materials they use.

In any case, it is important that the substrate must be clean, dry, free of dust, grease and other contaminants. If there are unevennesses, they should be levelled. The required length should be measured and cut to the appropriate dimensions for the project.

A thin layer of adhesive is applied to the prepared surface using a suitable tool. The fibreglass mesh shall be placed on the adhesive layer evenly distributed and care shall be taken to ensure no tears or creases are formed.