
Alkyd primer BRAVACOLOR

Protects wooden surfaces indoors and outdoors.

10 in stock

SKU: alkyd-primer-bravacolor Category:

Quantity per carton

12 product

Мinimum quantity

100 product

Quantities per pallet

60 product

Delivery time

14 days



Protects wooden surfaces indoors and outdoors. Pre-impregnation of wooden surfaces and protection against moisture, water, mechanical influences, etc.

Possible hazards:

The product is flammable. Work away from sources of open flame when using birch.

The primer is harmful. It can cause lung damage if swallowed.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Fire precautions:

Remove all possible sources of fire: open flame, lit cigarette, sparks from tools and equipment, etc.

Always keep packages tightly closed.

Suitable extinguishing media: alkaline foam device, dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide, water spray.

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Appearance Clear to slightly turbid liquid, homogeneous liquid.
Colour Pale yellow
Smell Specific according to solvents
Explosive limits lower 0.6% vol. - upper 1.5% vol.
Density at 20 Celsius 0, 920- 0,940 g/cm3
Packaging PET 0,900 l. metal box 0,750 l
Consumption rate about 10-12 sq.m/l or 80-90 gr./ sq.m.
Vapour pressure not for this product
Technical requirments/Indicators Norm and features
Viscosity by B3 at 20 Celsius in seconds 12-24
Acid value in mg KOH/g, not more than 24
Content of film-forming substances in % not less than 48
Drying/ ~ 20°C till phase 3 for not more than 24
Surfaces should be dry and free of dust, resin residue and eroded wood. Cracks and other defects should be removed and wood surfaces sanded. It is applied as a one-coat substance by brush, roller, spray gun.